
  • SNF
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Aline provides a senior living operating system created to meet the industry’s most complex challenges in a single software platform. The company serves sales, operations, and clinical teams in more than 5,700 communities across the senior living, post-acute, and home care sectors. The Aline senior living operating system increases efficiency, delivers performance gains, and connects residents, staff and family members with industry-leading CRM, marketing automation, financial, reporting and care solutions. For more information.

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AlineCRM’s bi-directional (two-way) integration with MatrixCare provides transparency and accuracy around occupancy/census data. Accurate data helps operators make better business decisions and forecast with confidence across two platforms. In addition, the bi-directional integration reduces duplicate data entry from one platform to the other, which saves team member time. This gives the sales/admissions teams the flexibility to cascade important details to other departments.

  • View bed availability for your facilities
  • Send individuals to MatrixCare
  • Receive updates for ADT (Admit, Discharge, Transfer) events from MatrixCare
  • Create Face Sheets in resident search